About Us
Aiding the Democratization of Air Travel
Our founders are life long aviation enthusiasts who believe the increase in human mobility, that accompanies the AAM movement, is a profound step our evolution as a species. However, their differentiating factor stems from their approach to the implementation of Advanced Air Mobility infrastructure. Through VTALL Aero, they are looking to close the gap between rural and urban America, broadening the range of possibilities afforded to all inhabitants, regardless of location
Our Story
Our goal for VTALL Aero is to leverage the recent advances made in clean energy VTOL aircraft, in order to help fully realize the economic and cultural potential that can be found in many less focused on regions of our country.
Many cities throughout the middle of the country have seen a massive influx in people, especially around our area, and this massive increase in population has placed an enormous amount of strain on the surrounding transportation infrastructure. Over the last few years, it became clear to us that no matter how many new roads are built, it will not address the underlying issue. As is the case in nature, ecosystems have a carrying capacity and our transportation ecosystem is nearing its carrying capacity. However, we area aware that AAM technology such as eVTOL aircraft will not serve as an exhaustive solution to congestion issues, in the same way adding 1 lans to already congested highway does not remove congestion. Instead, what it can do is serve as an augmentation to currently implace mobility methods, relieving a portion of the strain while bringing a number of further benefits